Archives For Health Tips

Tired of Suffering from P.M.S.? Watch this video now!

Tired of Suffering from P.M.S.? Watch this video now!

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Fruits and Vegetables are very important they give us fibers and vitamins. And help us stay healthy you should eat 5 a day 2 keep your body slim and happy.Oh and tomatoes are fruit not vegetables.

Here is an interesting fact-
At least 55 million tonnes of apples were grown worldwide in 2005, with a value of about $10 billion
oh, and there’s an old saying a apple an day keeps the doctor away so eat APPLES and stay away from meat.
Meats are not too healthy and not too bad, but Meat is animal flesh that is eaten as food:( poor animals you should cut down on meat and eat more vegetables.

In early times, peas were grown mostly for their dry seeds. In modern times, however, peas are usually boiled or steamed. Peas are green sphere shaped vegetables they are my most favorite vegetables. i just love them so here is a fact Starchy, sweet and succulent green peas or garden peas are one of the ancient cultivated vegetable grown for their nutritious green pods.peas

Motivational Quote of the Day

Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. ~ Anonymous

This is a very powerful message and make sure you heed it.

We so often find ourselves worrying and stressing about situations and occurances that we have no control over.

And we also focus alot on that which we can’t do instead of  focusing on our strengths.

We all have been given incredible gifts and talents so focus on what you can do not what you can’t . Also focus on that which you can influence instead of what you can’t.


Exercise Tip Of the Day

Easing stress and anxiety. A twenty-minute bike ride won’t sweep away life’s
troubles, but exercising regularly helps you take charge of anxiety and reduce
stress. Aerobic exercise releases hormones that relieve stress and promote a
sense of well-being.

If possible I often suggest that people exercise during their lunchbreak especially in a very demanding and stressful job.  It will break up your day and you will return to work rejuvenated and reenergised and feeling much more positive and less stressed. Your productivity will go through the roof.

We have some news we will be announcing later today so make sure to keep an eye on your inbox as you won’t want to miss it.

Nutrition Tip Of The Day

Avoid ready made fruit juices.

More often than not these are loaded with sugars and preservatives.  When shopping make sure you never purchase those fruit juices on the normal shelves. If you are going to get some make sure to get them out of the refrigerator as the reason they are there is that they are made from actual fruit and will go off if left out of fridge.

Those fruit juices on the shelves are made from concentrate and loaded with sugars to preserve them and give them long shelf life.  Also check out the nutritional breakdown and you will be shocked at the % that is actually fruit vs sugar.

If you’d like to get more of these, healthy and delicious recipes, plus a workout programme that helped hundreds to lose weight fast, join our Home Workout System.

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Health tips for women
This is some health tips for women.
Women nowadays have a lot to do – we work,we look after the house , upbringing the children , care for older relatives are some of responsibilities that we carry on our shoulders. That leaves leaves sometimes little or no time for yourself.

Fatigue, weight gain, breast cancer, osteoporosis, iron deficiency are all result of unhealthy lifestyle . But making small changes to your diet can significantly improve your health, from easing your menstrual and menopausal symptoms to strengthening bones and protecting your heart.

Healthy eating is a way of balancing the food you eat to keep your body strong, loaded and well fed. Regardless of your age, choosing a healthy diet will help you look and feel your best. Here are some health tips for women.

1. Cut back on junk food and fast food takeaways. Junk food not only causes excessive weight gain, may cause further irritation of acne, headaches, cavities and bad moods. Try to have a wide variety of healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, rice, legumes, fish, poultry, seeds, nuts etc.
2.Increase the consumption of green vegetables.These are the best sources of calcium – leafy green vegetables, cabbage, beans, seeds and nuts. Calcium can only work when taken with magnesium. Good sources of magnesium include leafy green vegetables, whole grains, nuts, oatmeal, etc.

Find why green vegetables are better that animal protein HERE

3.More Vitamin D: Vitamin D increases calcium absorption and is required for normal bone metabolism. The best source is sunlight which is also the most natural way to increase your immune system.
4.More iron: Many women do not get enough iron in your diet and on top of that, they lose much of it during menstruation (due to blood loss). Iron is essential for the production of red blood cells that helps transport oxygen through your body. Without enough iron, anemia, iron deficiency can develop, leading to symptoms such as fatigue, pallor and headache. Choose the plant sources of iron like spinach, almonds, lentils, whole grains. Including foods containing vitamin C in your diet can significantly increase the amount of iron absorbed from plant sources.
5.The right protein: Your muscles need protein, and can not function properly without it.Do not overdo the consumption of animal protein.When the animal protein is not absorbed by the body becomes a time bomb and increases the chances of osteoporosis and other illnesses.

Find why green vegetables are better that animal protein HERE

6.Include organic Soy: Soy is a rich source of isoflavones, an estrogen-like substance in plants. Some studies have shown that regularly eating moderate amounts of soy-based foods may help reduce menopausal symptoms.

7.More Folic Acid: Folic acid keeps your blood healthy and lack of it might cause anemia.You can increase the Folic acid in their diet, including green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, strawberries and legumes.You can also take folic acid supplements.

8.Limit and eliminate saturated fats and trans fats:. Avoid food rich in saturated fats and trans fats (especially junk food), and foods that are rich in unsaturated fat instead, such as vegetable oils (including sunflower, rapeseed and olive oil), oily fish, nuts and seeds. Saturated fats and trans fats may increase risk for certain diseases such as cardiovascular disease and stroke. On the other hand, unsaturated fats – monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats – contribute to your health. They are essential for healthy brain function, glowing skin and absorbing fat-soluble vitamins.
9.Reduce salt: Fluid retention is common in the days before a woman period because certain hormones encourage the body to hold salt (sodium). Too much salt increases the risk of developing high blood pressure. You should aim for no more than 6 grams per day. Using herbs and spices instead of salt in cooking and be very sparing with salt.
10 .Moderate or no Alcohol: drinking too much alcohol can, over time, damage your heart and raised blood pressure. Also, drinking more than one drink per day increases the risk of some cancers, including breast cancer. Keep alcohol consumption to a minimum to take advantage of the benefits.
Those are some health tips for women and when you include them in your life you can start seeing results very fast.

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I have spend years educating people on the importance of good nutrition and how it is also important to keep a balance between eating healthy nutritious meals and also allowing yourself a cheat day where you can eat your favourite foods.

However one thing I have been adamant about is to NEVER EVER eat McDonalds and this morning a good friend of mine posted this shocking video on facebook which illustrates just why you should never eat McDonalds.  A long time ago a friend of mine worked in McDonalds so I got the insider secrets and besides this video another one is that the apple slices(or whatever they call them) are actually made of turnip and they are deep fried for an unbelievable 27 MINUTES!!  I will always remember when I was about 7 going to McDonalds with my mam and she had one. Despite it being on the table for 5 minutes when I took a bite it nearly burned the mouth off me. I couldn’t understand how it could still be so hot – well my friend revealed why

You must watch this video and also please get as many people as possible to visit this page as the world needs to know what they are not only putting in their bodies but more importantly their kids.

Help me spread the message

Dave Sheahan is regarded as the World’s #1 No Holds Barred Elite High Achievement Consultant. He is the author of “6 Weeks to a Cover Model Body” & “Body and Mind For Life”.  Dave is also an international speaker running his own events.  He has played a role in coaching thousands to achieve their dream bodies including a number of celebrity clients.

Check out these Health Tips products:

Essential Travel Health Tips for Cruise Ship Trips-travel agents
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Essential Travel Health Tips for Cruise Ship Trips-travel agents

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Multi-Level-Marketing Tips To Success – Marketing Your Way To The Top

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Yoga Health Secrets.
A Complete Guide To Yogic Techniques For Happiness And Good Health.
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A few health tips products I can recommend:

Accelerated Dog Training Health Grooming
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Optimum Health Secrets Collection – 5 Unique Ebooks
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