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CAYENNE PEPPER is a stimulant. It improves circulation and purifies the blood. It is Anti bacterial, promotes healing and prevents infection.
Scientific evidence indicates that CAYENNE PEPPER is useful for healing in common colds and flu, heart disease, yellow fever, gangrene and cancer.
CAYENNE PEPPER is good for the kidneys, spleen, pancreas, lungs and heart.
CAYENNE PEPPER also helps other herbs to work more effectively when taken at the same time.
CAYENNE PEPPER is known to normalize blood pressure and stop internal and external bleeding. It lowers cholesterol and is useful for people with poor circulation.
DISEASE is caused by poor circulation or lack of fresh blood to the affected area. CAYENNE can ward off disease by helping blood circulation.
CAYENNE PEPPER should not be taken in capsule form. Much of the healing starts in the mouth. As cayenne touches the tongue it sends signals along nerve endings, sending new blood to the parts’ of your body, which are sick, thereby promoting healing.
CAYENNE PEPPER comes in many different forms but hottest is best. See end for list of peppers and heat scale.
CAYENNE PEPPER has been used in treatment for health conditions such as:-
Angina – heart pains, Arthritis, Asthma, Atherosclerosis, Bleeding gums, Blood clots, Bowel diseases, bruises, cancer, colds, flu, heart failure, diabetes, diabetic neuropathy, duodenal ulcers, elevated cholesterol, elevated triglycerides, fatigue, food poisoning, free radical activity, frost bite, frozen limbs, headaches, head congestion, heart arrhythmias, heart attack, heart disease, heatstroke, haemorrhaging, herpes zoster, hypertension, impotence, indigestion, influenza, itching, lumbago, motion sickness, mouth sores, multiple sclerosis, nerve inflammation, neuralgia, night blindness, obesity, pain, peptic ulcer, poor appetite, psoriasis, respiration disorders, shingles, stomach ulcers, toothache. Etc.
Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Alkaloids known as Capsaicin are the constituents of Capsicum/ Cayenne pepper.
The University of Arizona Cancer Centre reported that the results of a study they had conducted showed that Vitamin A reduced cancerous lesions of the mouth. It may also help people with oral or oesophageal cancer caused by excessive tobacco smoking and alcohol drinking.
Vitamin A is needed for good vision. It helps to create visual purple with is needed for night vision.
Vitamin A heals inflammation of the eyes, smoothes rough skin, and clears acne. It helps to reduce wrinkles and heals wounds. Strengthens bones and teeth and is good for the lungs.
Vitamin A is the most potent killer of free radicals, especially one called singlet oxygen that causes the aging of cells. It also heals disorders of the stomach lining. E.g. Ulcers.
Vitamin C helps to clear blood clots in veins. Helps to prevent heart disease by eliminating plaque from the arteries. Helps to heal wounds. Helps to prevent colds
It is not advisable to take huge doses of Vitamin A. So buying and taking supplements of Vitamin A is not recommended.
CAPSAICIN is what causes burning sensation. It also causes the brain to activate the salivary glands and endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers. These endorphins give us a feeling of pleasure. In time our tolerance of chilli heat increases and we are able to take more.
CAPSICIN is the main ingredient in some pain killing creams. For pain relief from Arthritis, and Diabetes nerve damage. It is also an anti oxidant which helps to stop cancer cell growth. Studies have shown that Capsaicin found in chilli peppers causes tumour cells to die by starving them of oxygen.
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