Udo Erasmus -Talking About Realth Healthcare
Vaccination The Hidden Truth
In this extremely informative video, fifteen people, including Dr. Viera Scheibner (a PhD researcher), five medical doctors, other researchers, reveal what is really going on in relation to illness and vaccines. Ironically, the important facts come from the orthodox medicine’s own peer-reviewed research.
With so much government and medical promotion of vaccination for prevention of disease, the video is clearly devoted to presenting the other side of the issue that parents and others are not being told. The result is a damning account of the ineffectiveness of vaccines and their often harmful effects. It declares that parents are not being told the truth by the media, the Health Department and the medical establishment, with a medical doctor, Dr. Mark Donohoe, confessing that “It is a problem for me that I am part of a profession that is systematically lying to people…”
The video presents well documented answers to questions like: Was it really vaccines that saved us? Why are they only counterproductive? How are many statistics misleading? What do vaccines contain? What are they doing to our organs, immune systems, even our genes? Are childhood diseases really dangerous to healthy children? Why does vaccination continue? What are our rights? Can vaccine damage be evaluated and countered? What is the true key to immunity?
The video raises the fundamental question of whether we should be trying to prevent childhood diseases anyway, in that they contribute to the development of a healthy immune system. If what the video says is true, why is vaccination pushed so heavily by the government authorities?
In the video, Dr. Viera Scheibner, who has studied almost 100,000 pages of orthodox medical research on vaccination, warns:
“It took almost three years of research before we looked at each other and said ‘Vaccines are killing babies’… It is a well documented fact that the incidence and mortality from infectious diseases fell by 90% well before any vaccine was even introduced.”
And this from Dr. Archie Kalokerinos, author of the book “Every Second Child”:
“So it was obvious that I, and every other doctor for that matter, had been grossly misled… It was clearly shown that the only people who got smallpox twice were the vaccinated.”
If you are in the frustrating position of wanting to inform your spouse, friends and/or relatives about vaccination, but they won’t read appropriate literature, then this video is ideal. It is clear and logical and an eye-opener. Every doctor should see and respond to it.
~New Dawn magazine review, by Mary Ellen Wheeler
This DVD can be purchased from Vaccination Information Service (www.vaccination.inoz.com, Email: vaccinfo @ bigpond.com).
*** IMPORTANT NEWS FOR PARENTS (and others interested)!!!!*** :
Are you, or other parent(s) you know, trying to WEIGH UP the overall numerical RISKS on each side of the vaccination debate, based upon the assumption that the vaccines are, or may be, as effective as claimed?
If so, then you will be pleased to learn the news that calculations of these risks have finally been done, the verdicts now available.
Unlike any other “comparisons” you have seen to date, these calculations importantly take into account the disease notification rates in unvaccinated children (which for many diseases are zero, and most others almost zero).
The results are not all yet ready for publication, but when they are, in due course, a link to them will appear on the Vaccination Information Service site (www.vaccination.inoz.com).
Vaccination The Hidden Truth
5 nutritional supplements that really work
The field of nutritional supplements is a very complex one and there is so much to be said about all the different supplements that you can buy these days that we would need volumes to even scratch the surface. On one hand you have the snake-oil supplements that promise you instant weight loss, insane muscle building effects and stopping you from aging and these are mostly nothing but sugar-pills when it comes to effectiveness. The good news is that there are also perfectly healthy and effective supplements that really do work.
1. Protein Powder
There is no doubt that you can get sufficient amounts of protein from foods that are rich in protein. However, this does not mean that protein powder is completely useless and a waste of money. Protein powder provides you with nutrients needed for muscle growth and muscle recovery. These protein shakes have a significantly lower count of calories than you would get from a high protein meal that would introduce the same amount of protein.
2. Vitamin supplements
A very large percentage of people do not ingest enough vitamins and minerals in their daily food intake. That is why vitamin supplements are very useful when used properly and rationally. What this means is that you only take as much as you were recommended, depending on your age, your health and your gender. Anything more and you will be wasting your money. The good news is that it is very easy to find the exact vitamin complex that will suit your needs, considering all the different types on the market.
3. Fish oil
The number one cause of preventable deaths in the developed world are heart conditions. With the increasingly unhealthy lifestyles and eating habits, more and more people are at risk of various cardiovascular conditions and events that can be lethal. One of the best things that you can do for your heart is to take fish oil. The recommended dose is usually between one and two grams of fish oil per day. Fish oil contains a number of substances that have been found to reduce the risk of developing heart disease.
4. Green Tea
Green Tea has been around for years and its beneficial effects have been proven by clinical studies on animals. It was proven that animals that were given green tea have burned dramatically more fat than those who were getting placebo. You can drink your green tea, but these days, you can also get green tea in tablets that you can take daily.
5. Calcium
Believe it or not, but calcium is among the minerals that most often lacking in the diets of people living in the developed world. Foods that are rich in calcium include dairy products, soybeans, fish, dark leafy greens and raisins, to name a few. There are also a number of different calcium supplements that will ensure you get enough of this mineral for your body, most notably your bones whose health is directly associated with how much calcium you ingest daily.
When you live a busy lifestyle it is impossible to eat the five to six perfectly balanced daily meals required for achieving your bodybuilding goals.
Protein supplements can be used as “fast foods”. They are easy to prepare (if it is a protein bar then no preparation is required) and most of the formulas that are available on the market today taste good.
The first step towards education yourself about bodybuilding supplements is to read as much information as possible.Supplement reviews website as jammed packed with everything you need to know when it come to making a choice.Nowadays you are faced with so many choices and finding the right supplement for your needs is a task on itself.
Bodybuilding supplements are dietary supplements commonly used by those involved in bodybuilding and athletics. Bodybuilding supplements may be used to replace meals, enhance weight gain, promote weight loss or improve athletic performance.
Before you spend any money on supplements make sure you follow this 3 simple tips, that will help you to make the right choice.
Always Read Product Reviews
In order to choose the best bodybuilding supplement, you need to spend considerable time researching about them over the internet. The World Wide Web has ample information regarding the best body building supplements available in the market. Hence, if you want to choose the best products, you simply need to spend considerable time reading honest product reviews over the net. After reading the reviews, you would have a fair idea regarding the most appropriate supplement that can help you develop lean muscle mass at warp speed.
Choose Quality over Quantity
The majority of bodybuilders look for supplement formulas with certain proven ingredients and little filler. Sometimes just one ingredient is the optimum choice. The best discount bodybuilding supplements contain protein, creatine, and glutamine along with other amino acids. Some new ingredients are showing real promise, but the popular new supplements may be the priciest.
Stay with the mentioned basics and you’ll find affordable bodybuilding supplements that fit your needs perfectly.
Choose Online Shopping
Many bodybuilders turn to online shops for their discount bodybuilding supplements and for the convenience of being able to shop from the comfort of your sofa. You can shop around and compare prices from a variety of supplement providers. Many of these sites offer a very substantial review of bodybuilding supplements.
A lot of review sites also offer supplement giveaways as well as good information. The unique thing about giveaways is that it is a win-win situation.You win by having a chance to win a good quality product and the company wins by getting a social buzz .
Don’t forget that offline stores usually have a limited selection and cannot offer the tempting discounts that online sellers do, but sometimes the in-store promotions provide some great deals. If you do choose to purchase your supplements online, make sure to include the shipping costs in your comparison pricing; if you’re not careful, shipping costs can eat up any savings you may have gleaned in the first place.
Finding reviews of bodybuilding supplements might take some time and require a bit of research, but it’s worth it when you’re saving money on your chosen products each month.
Be a friend to your body during post-workout
The post-workout phase is just as important and as crucial as the pre-workout phase and almost as the actual workout. For instance, the muscle tissue that is gained is not gained during the actual workout. It is gained after the workout, as new muscle tissue is grown in the catabolic process that fills out the microtears in the muscle tissue that are achieved through working out. This is just one of the reasons why post-workout phase is so important and why you should be a friend to your body during this phase.
1. Get some fluids in you
You will have lost gallons of fluids during your workout, no matter what type of workout you have just had and it is absolutely crucial that you do everything to replenish the levels of fluids in your body. Water is essential for pretty much every process in your body, including the building of muscles, and without enough water, your workout will be dramatically less effective.
2. Do not forget to stretch
Stretching is not the coolest thing in the world and you may see yourself as an old man or woman who is getting ready for their power walk, but it is absolutely necessary that you do stretch after your workout. Of course, it goes without saying that you will want to stretch before the workout, but doing this afterwards is also important. This will help reduce soreness and it will also relieve much of the muscular tension that will occur.
3. Eat right
During your workout, you will spend a lot of fuel and you need to make sure that you replenish the fuel by eating all the right foods. In general, it is recommended that you eat within an hour of your workout and the most important nutrients to replenish are complex carbohydrates ad high quality protein. Greek yogurt, for instance, is a great source of protein and of carbohydrates as well. Fruit salads and fruit in general will provide you with needed carbs and also help with absorption of nutrients that you get from other foods. Wholegrain cereal and sandwich wraps with whole grain will also be a great choice.
4. Do not discard supplements
If you are truly serious about your muscle gain and if you want to achieve the most with your workouts, you should seriously consider post-workout supplements that will provide you with all the right nutrients. For instance, protein supplements can do wonders for your muscle building, as can creatine. Branched-chain amino acids are also involved in muscle protein synthesis and they are also recommended as post-workout supplements. All of these post-workout supplements will work best if they are taken within 45 minutes of the workout, in the post-workout window of opportunity.
5. Do some DIY contrast water therapy
Contrast water therapy is a procedure where you apply hot and cold water alternately to the muscles that have been exercised. Usually, it is recommended doing 2 minutes of hot water and then 30 seconds of cold water. This should be repeated at least four times during one go. This has been shown to reduce occurrence and symptoms of delayed onset muscle soreness greatly.
6. Get some sleep
When we sleep, our body excretes the growth hormone which, as it name would suggest, is directly connected to the creation of new muscle tissue. This means that you should try and get some high quality sleep as soon as you can manage. If not, set aside some time for rest and relaxation that will both help you enhance your results and also allow your body to recover.