Why Is Organic Food So Expensive



Why Is Organic Food So Expensive

Dr. Brian Clement-Fear Creates Disease



Dr. Brian Clement-Fear Creates Disease

It is a fact that vitamins have a very positive impact on our health and the lack of any vitamin in the body leads to loss of immunity and various diseases. Although we know a lot about vitamins and minerals, the often question is: is there a difference between natural vitamins from fresh ingredients and synthetic vitamins obtained in the laboratory? Theoretically, yes: they both have the same chemical composition and perform the same biological function. In practice, however, the organism easily absorbed vitamins from the fresh food, and furthermore the consumption of fruit and has a number of other advantages over synthetic vitamins.

Fruit salad

Why Go Natural
Most supplements sold are made synthetically and have a small insignificant portion of the vitamins extracted form food. Vitamins aren’t just one chemical compound they are a mix of co-factors, co-enzymes and enzymes all necessary to keep you healthy. For example, synthetic vitamin C only has ascorbic acid unlike natural vitamin C which has a majority of components. The excess ascorbic acid is flushed out while your body breaks down its tissue to get the needed minerals. And every other vitamin has components that work together to keep your immune system working smoothly.


Each fruit is composed mostly of water. Since the human body is 70% water, it is clear how important it is for our health to consume sufficient amounts of liquid. Freshly squeezed juice and fresh fruit are one of the best sources of water for your body and this you cannot get from synthetic vitamins.

Strawberry in water

Good Digestion

Fruits are rich in fibre, and this is something that you will not find in a pill, which is important for keeping your body healthy. Foods rich in fibre, like fruits, help your body avoid certain diseases, such as high blood pressure and diseases of the digestive tract. Most fruits speed up digestion and removal of excess fluid from the body.

Not Expensive

Supplements and various vitamins may be too expensive. Of course there are fruits that are expensive, if not from your area, but you can always turn to domestic products, which are cheaper than tropical fruits and vitamin supplements. In addition, if you do not know what to buy as a gift to a friend who regularly eats fruit, I always go for an order of  a gift hamper here in Sydney and they are usually very surprised.


Preserves the Environment

Production at the factory or laboratory of any kind leaves behind a negative effect on the environment. You don’t have that with the fruit – eating apples, grapes, pineapple does not set before us ethical and environmental concerns and it is known that trees are the lungs of our planet.

Balanced Diet

One or several tablets of vitamins can’t fill you up while with eating fruits, you will kill two birds with one stone. You have ingested enough vitamins for your body you won’t need additional meals and that way you can maintain your ideal weight. Try making one day a fruit only day to cleanse your body of the heavy foods you usually eat.

On the shelves of pharmacies you can find a large number of vitamin products from individual vitamins and minerals to complex multivitamin / multi-mineral mixture and blend of well embedded elements. Although physician recipe is not required for these preparations, you will need expert advice in order to choose the right product, as well as for proper dosing, but with the fruit you do not have to think about that. Synthetically produced vitamins tablets contain a high concentration of vitamins, but excessive use of vitamins and minerals is not advised because your body will need to work hard to get them out of your system.

Big Pharma Executive Turned Whistleblower



Big Pharma Executive Turned Whistleblower

How Toxic Are Your Beauty Products?




How Toxic Are Your Beauty Products?

Dr. Brian Clement-Top Health Points Part 1/6

Dr. Brian Clement-Top Health Points Part 1/6

Chemo Is Not Effective On Most Cancers

I am tired of watching people being killed and suffering from Chemotherapy.  In my opinion chemotherapy is a lot worse than cancer in a rare few cases people are cured because their body and immune system what is left of it after the chemo gets rid of it.

But when you look at what it does it is really like hitting your body with a nuke and hoping it will get better. The radiation ends up doing more damage than what your body had in the first place. And causes more types of cancer later down the line from the chemo and radiation.

It drives me crazy the amount of people who are so brainwashed that their doctor is GOD..  He knows everything if the doctor tells you to drink Vortex Bleach you just do it no questions asked.  But if a friend or someone who cares about you tells you to drink wheatgrass for a month which is harmless and helps to cure cancer they refuse as if you are a nutter..

Sadly these people in many cases are the nutters because they end up dead by the very thing that is supposed to cure them over 90% of people treated with chemo and radiation are dead within 5 years.  Without chemo and radiation 40% of cancer sufferers are still alive within 5 years.  Does it make sense to have Chemo I think not unless you have a death wish of course..



Chemo Is Not Effective On Most Cancers

The Benefits of Beet Juice for Superhealthy Blood



The Benefits of Beet Juice for Superhealthy Blood

The Benefits of Beet Juice for Superhealthy Blood


The Benefits of Beet Juice for Superhealthy Blood

Deadly Vaccines: Garth Nicolson, microbiologist


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Deadly Vaccines: Garth Nicolson, microbiologist

What Could Be the benefits of MSM or DMSO



What Could Be the benefits of MSM or DMSO