Choc Chip Brownies Mmmmm

admin  — 

Today is cheat day in the Sheahan household after 6 tough days training hard and folllowing rigid nutrition plan.  We are all salivating at the thought of todays cheat :

Vegan Choc Chip Brownies with Choc sauce and Vanilla Icecream!!

My favourite!!!   I can’t wait

What is your favourite cheat meal?

Key thing though is on “Cheat Day” make sure it is not a 24 hour binge.

Cheat meal is sufficient. With it being 2nd December many have started to wind down, get lazy and break their good habits already. Make sure you are not one of them.
There is no reason to make christmas indulgences last a month or more.

Keep on track right up to Christmas weekend, enjoy it and then get back on track around 27th Dec. Why go through so much effort only to ruin it now???

Are you going to commit to me that you will keep with your exercise and nutrition program up until 22nd Dec?


Motivational Quote of the Day

A pessimist sees only the dark side of the clouds, and mopes; a philosopher sees both sides, and shrugs; an optimist doesn’t see the clouds at all – he’s walking on them. ~ Leonard Louis Levinson

I love this quote.  It is so important to see the positives.  Too often we focus on the one “bad” thing we did or didn’t do instead of the 10 incredible things we did.

You have incredible potential within you.

Exercise Tip of the Day

Exercise At Home Tip : If you Like chinups then invest in the portable chinup stations that you just fix into the door frame. Great invention. And chinups are fantastic exercise if you want to develop the V shaped back and ladies that does not have to be the more male “bat wing” like back but nice slender and toned shapely back.

If cant do full bodyweight then use a chair and distribute your weight on it so that you can complete reps.

Nutrition Tip of the Day

Vary your grains when it comes to bread.  Bread these days contains so many preservatives etc.  A few decades ago bread was real homemade bread with not more than 3 or so ingredients. Now you look at the back of a sliced pan (loaf of bread) and the ingredients list is as long as your arm.

ON that note if you see “hydrogenated” anything in the ingredients drop it. Regarding the grains try spelt bread, rye bread, oatcakes, rice cakes, etc.
If you’d like to get more of these, healthy and delicious recipes, plus a workout programme that helped hundreds to lose weight fast, join our Home Workout System.


