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What is Spirulina? A Protein-rich Top Superfood Algae


Spirulina is an ancient, singled-celled freshwater blue-green algae that has existed since the beginning of life on earth. Spirulina can be consumed as a power, flakes or tablets to provide a source of protein, phytonutrients, essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, including phycocyanin, zeaxanthin, beta-carotene, GLA as well as iron.
Spirulina Manna, powder or tablets –
Organic Spirulina Powder 4oz to 1lb –
Spirulina Tablets, 250 Grams – 500 Tablets –
Spirulina Page:
Additional Sourced Info:
Enhancement of antitumor natural killer cell activation by orally administered Spirulina extract in mice:
Molecular mechanisms in C-Phycocyanin induced apoptosis in human chronic myeloid leukemia cell line-K562:
[Use of spirulina supplement for nutritional management of HIV-infected patients: study in Bangui, Central African Republic]
Nutritional and therapeutic potential of Spirulina:


What is Spirulina? A Protein-rich Top Superfood Algae

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Fashion trend or a statement? An increasing number of people is getting into the barefoot trend. There are a lot of articles written about barefoot running and doing everyday chores. People are starting going barefoot shopping, dining and even going to work.

However, there is a question of going barefoot in less urban environment. This needs your special attention. There are some pros and cons to this and you need to think them through before making your call if that is a good or a bad idea for you.


Massaged as you go

The first thing that people who are all for ditching their shoes and socks tell you is that going barefoot gives you the natural massage and acupressure. This means that walking on the sand, soil, grass and all other surfaces press all those important points on your feet and give your entire body the beneficial effects of such massages. However, going barefoot in the wild also includes stepping on thorns, insects, wet leaves, poison ivy and other things that will cause only pain and discomfort. You can be careful, but it would be very hard if you are running.

The skin of your feet

Skin that has been kept inside the socks and shoes is more sensitive. However, your skin can and will adapt to the conditions of being barefoot in the nature. You need to start going barefoot around your home, then start going outside and walk around your garden. Continue going short distances away from home and you will see that your skin becomes less and less vulnerable to heat, cold, scratches and similar effects of the outside. If you do not feel comfortable without a backup plan, bring a pair of barefoot sandals with you that you can put on at any time.

barefoot nature

Less prone to injuries

Our feet are constantly trapped in our shoes. Over the years, feet lose their natural durability and they depend on the footwear for support. That makes them weaker and that increases the risk of injuries. On the other hand, if you are new to the barefoot hiking or running, going to the less urban environments should be done gradually. Your feet are used to the support and they need time to adjust and strengthen muscles.

Footwear in general

Footwear reduces the durability of muscles and the skin of your feet. The dark and moist environment inside the shoe is perfect for the bacteria and fungi to start growing and developing. Different defects, calluses and injuries are the cause of improper footwear. On the other hand, footwear protects your feet from the effects of the outside. In time, however, going barefoot in the wild will make your feet regain their resistance to those effects.

There are pros and cons to going barefoot into the woods. When it comes to those reasons, it seems like it is a tie. The choice is yours. However, both sides agree that – if you plan on going barefoot, the key is to do it gradually and give your feet the time to adapt to your new way of spending time outdoors.

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Most Thyroid Issues Are Secondary to Other Problems

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One of the most common debates among fitness enthusiasts is what type of supplement will give you the best possible results. Whey and casein are two of the most favored dietary supplements consumed by those who indulge in training regimes regularly. But just before you start picking sides in the ongoing war casein versus whey, you should probably get all the facts straight. While they are perceived as quite similar, these two supplements actually have different properties and thus produce different effects on the body. These are some basic information regarding whey and casein supplements that will perhaps help you get the best understanding of what they are and how they function:


Most people have an aversion towards supplements and perceive them as drugs or additives that are harmful and dangerous. While there are certain supplements that can be perceived as hazardous, that is not the case with whey. Quite simply whey represents a by-product of cheese production. One-fifth of milk actually consists of whey, meaning it is packed with essential minerals and nutrients for the human body.

There are common fallacies regarding the dangers of whey supplements, especially in women. Contrary to popular belief whey supplements will not give you a masculine look or cause bones loss and kidney failure. Of course, women who are going through pregnancy should avoid these supplements as high-levels of protein in the body might be harmful for the baby.

Whey is also considered a fast-digesting protein and it is known to increase the level of amino acids in the body and promotes muscle repair. This is why this supplement represents a great post-workout addition to your meals.


While there are certain similarities between the two supplements like high levels of amino acids and calcium, casein functions a bit differently than whey. It does hold many health benefits such as improved bone structure and higher energy levels, but casein is not considered to be a fast-digesting protein like whey. Of course this has its benefits as well.

Casein is mostly recommended to be taken before sleep as it has the ability to repair your muscles during these periods of rest. These fitness supplements are also known to have greater muscle retention, promote colon health and is perceived as one of the highest quality protein on the market. Casein supplements are also recommend for those willing to lose a few pounds, as the key to weight loss is hidden in finding a good balance between calcium and protein intake. This is where casein comes in as it gives you a maximum boost of both these essential nutrients making it that much easier to stay lean.


So in the matter of casein vs. whey it seems like there are no absolute winners. These two supplements affect your body differently and while they are quite similar the best way to use them is to find a perfect balance between the two and use them accordingly. Consume your whey supplements pre and post your workout to supply the damaged muscles with necessary nutrients and use casein before bed to build muscle or as a substitute snack to quench hunger.


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Tony and Sage Robbins talk about Hydration and Alkalizing