The Gerson Therapy – Charlotte Gerson on Curing Cancer
A vaccine is a biological preparation that is used to improve the immunity to a particular medical condition. It contains an agent that resembles a disease causing microorganism. It is usually manufactured using weakened or dead microorganisms.
This agent stimulates the body’s immune system to recognize the agent as foreign and to destroy it. The body thereby remembers that the agent is an enemy. In the future when the disease causing microorganism attacks the body, it is easily destroyed.
It has been observed that along with killed microorganisms vaccines also contain toxic extracts and live organisms that are made less virulent through process known as attenuation.
In order to enhance the performance of vaccines, pharmaceutical companies add powerful immune stimulating substances like aluminium, squalene and lipopolysacchiride. These substances are also known as immune adjuvants.
For vaccines to work, they usually need to be injected into the body over a set period of time. As noted earlier, the combination of the above mentioned agent and the adjuvants trigger an immune response by the body, similar to that occurring during a natural infection.
Here we need to note a major difference here. While the vaccines are injected into the human body, disease causing organisms usually enter the body through the mucous membranes of mouth, GI tract, nose or pulmonary passages.
For instance polio causing microorganisms causing polio enter through the GI tract. The membranes lining these passages have a different immune system than that activated by the injections or oral vaccines. This system is known as the IgA immune system.
This immune system is the first line of defense against the microorganisms. It reduces the need for intense activation of the body’s immune system. It is found to effectively head off an attack.
Injecting microorganisms to induce immunity is abnormal and unnatural. That is the reason for vaccine failures. Unfortunately pharmaceutical companies come up with vaccines with more immune adjuvanants.
These vaccines can cause immense damage to human health. In fact they wreak havoc on the children, weak people and the elderly. They have the totally opposite effect on the human body and are known to paralyze the immune system. Many people have died due to this.
Vaccines are known to stimulate the immune system over a prolonged period of time. This is due to the action of the immune adjuvants. These substances are retained in the tissues. They constantly stimulate the immune-activating cells, thereby causing damage to the cells in the body.
Brain is an important organ of the human body. Prolonged activation of the body’s immune system results in prolonged activation of the brain’s immune system. When the brain’s immune system cells are activated, they begin to move about the nervous system, thereby secreting numerous chemicals.
These chemicals are known as cytokines and chemokines. This results in release of many free radicals into the body which are supposed to kill the invading organisms. When they do not find any microorganisms, they cause damage to the cells.
Many medical conditions like the autism, Gulf War Syndrome, Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s dementia are linked to vaccines. Studies have proved that adults vaccinated yearly for five years in a row with the flu vaccine are 10 times more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease. This is due to the presence of mercury and aluminum in the vaccine.
Some experts rightly believe that the policy of administering many vaccines to infants is sheer stupidity.
Genetically modified food items are examples of the hazards of technological advancement. Many well-meaning people have opposed this.
Genetically modified foods are relatively new and are derived from genetically modified organisms. These organisms would have had changes introduced into their DNA by genetic engineering techniques.
Genetically modified foods are known to have a negative impact on human health. Many studies have linked genetically modified foods to a variety of health issues.
These include immune dysfunction, accelerated ageing, organ damage, reproductive disruption and insulin disorder. Many countries have banned the use of these foods. Here are some genetically modified foods with the dangers they are known to cause.
Hamsters fed with genetically modified soy were not able to have offspring. They also suffered higher mortality rate. The color of the testicles of male rats fed with genetically modified soy changed from pink to blue. GM soy is known to destroy the DNA of sperm and embryos.
Female rats fed with the GM soy experienced higher infant mortality rate. Surviving baby rats were less fertile and were smaller in size. Mice fed with genetically modified corn had fertility issues and smaller offspring.
Fertility related conditions like premature delivery, infertility, abortion, prolapsed uteri, delivery of unformed infants and infant death were observed in farm animals fed with genetically modified foods.
Many farmers suffered from severe rashes on exposure to genetically modified cotton. Genetically modified rice tends to cause allergic reactions. Mortality rate increased in animals which were fed with genetically modified tomatoes.
Cows are injected with genetically modified bovine growth hormone. This hormone is created by Monsanto, a multinational agricultural biotechnology corporation. The hormone is supposed to increase the cow’s milk yield.
Milk obtained from cows treated with this hormone contains increased levels of IGF-1 (insulin growth factors – 1). Increased levels of IGF – 1 in the body may cause cancers of the colon and the breast.
Mice fed with genetically modified potatoes suffered from increased levels of harmful toxins in their body. Genetically modified peas may affect normal functioning of the immune system.
Thousands of animals that have been fed with genetically modified crops (to produce the pesticide Bt) have died in the United States of America. This has been proved during autopsies.
Many experts believe that genetically modified foods involve risks of unknown toxins and allergens. This was proved in the year 1989 in the L – tryptophan supplement case. This supplement caused 37 deaths and affected more than 1,500 people.
Genetically modified foods are widely used in theUS. Unfortunately the government has not taken any measures in this direction. More shocking fact is that the food items are not even labeled to indicate the use of GMO. This is indeed appalling.
Individuals and organizations (interested in the well-being of humanity as a whole) should take up the matter in their hands. Media should be used to create awareness. Human health and well-being is definitely more important than the profit margins of some self-seeking corporations.
Cow’s Milk Alternatives Today we are going to be showing you some excellent alternatives to cows milk but before that we would like to show you some videos showing why you should be wanting or needing to use alternatives to cow’s milk in your diet, and your family’s diet.
Fox News Kills Monsanto Milk Story
Milk Harms Your Body
Milk harms your body by veganfuture
Foods That Kill
Here Are Some The Alternatives To Dairy Milk
Cashew Milk
a quarter of a cup of cashews supplies almost 38 percent of the recommended daily intake copper, which is involved in many important bodily functions such as developing bone and connective tissue, producing melanin, and iron absorbtion. Cashews are a great source of magnesium like calcium, magnesium is also extremely important in keeping our bones strong and healthy, and, compared to other nuts, cashews have a lower overall fat content. As with the other nut-based milks you can also make cashew milk at home
Cashew Milk Ingredients:
1 cup raw cashews
sweetener (raw maple syrup, agave nectar or honey), optional
dash sea salt, to taste
Cover raw cashews with water and allow to soak for at least one hour. Drain and rinse.
Place soaked cashews and 4 cups water into a vitamix blender or food processor and process until smooth, at least one full minute. Add a dash of raw sweetener, such as agave nectar, to taste.
You can use more or less water to vary the thickness of your raw cashew milk, depending on your personal preference, but in general, you want a 1:4 ratio of cashews to water.
You may also choose to strain your raw cashew milk,
Almond milk is good source of magnesium, this can help to break down food it also helps with the function of the parathyroid glands, It will also help improve the health of your bones. It also contains manganese, selenium and Vitamin E. Vitamin E is also a antioxidant that protects your cell membranes. Selenium is excellent for your immune system, and in the metabolism of thyroid. It also prevents cell damage and tissue damage. Almond milk is also a great source of unsaturated fat, protein, flavonoids and potassium, and has less sugar than soya milk.It doesn’t taste like cows milk by any stretch of the imagination, so it takes some getting used to if you’re looking for a true milk substitute. It’s also significantly more expensive as almonds, a hard-to-grow crop, are the main ingredient.
Coconut Milk Coconut milk is a very creamy, dairy-free alternative for those who are lactose intolerant or allergic to animal milk. Those who subscribe to the low-carb lifestyle often prize coconut milk for it’s minimal starch content. A vegan drink, it is also soya-free, gluten-free, cholesterol-free and nut-free while its fat content is considered to a ‘good fat’, easily metabolised by the body and quickly turned into energy rather than being stored as fat. Coconut milk is also rich in lauric acid, a substance also found in human milk, which researchers have shown have anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. Unlike other nut or plant milks, the saturated fat content of coconut milk is significant at five grams per serving, so drink it in moderation. It can solidify and separate when refrigerated, depending on the brand, so if you like a cold glass of milk, it’s an inconvenient choice since you have to stir it and let it warm up to room temperature in order to drink it. Some brands also have a strong flavour that can be a bit overpowering.
Rice Milk Rice milk is the most hypoallergenic of all the milk substitutes and is extremely nutritious. It’s also the least fattening of all the milk alternatives with only one gram of unsaturated fat per cup. There are also plenty of heart healthy nutrients in rice milk. The unsaturated fat comes from rice bran oil, which can help lower your blood cholesterol. Niacin and vitamin B6 are also good for this while the high magnesium content helps to control your blood pressure. Iron and copper increases your red blood cell production, giving you better oxygenated blood and more vitality. On the downside, since rice is highly starchy, so is rice milk. One cup of rice milk contains 33 grams of sugary carbohydrates, three to four times the amount in milk or soya milk. If you have diabetes, rice milk can cause a sudden sugar overload. It also has a very low protein count compared to cow’s milk and soya, and the calcium content is also minimal, so choose the fortified product instead.
Oat Milk Like many plant milks, oat milk is cholesterol and lactose free, and also contains high levels of antioxidant vitamin E. It also contains folic acid, which is essential for most bodily functions and is needed to synthesise and repair DNA, produce healthy red blood cells and prevent anaemia. Thanks to its plant source, oat milk is usually tolerated by people with multiple allergies, and is also a good source of phytochemicals; naturally occurring chemicals in plants that help fight diseases such as cancer, heart disease and stroke. The main argument against oat milk is that it, like rice milk, is high in sugar and doesn’t have the calcium and protein content of cow’s milk. Since it’s derived from a cereal crop, it’s also no good for people who are allergic to gluten, and has a distinctive, oaty flavour, which doesn’t appeal to everyone. It’s also fairly difficult to source and is usually only available in health food shops.
Soya Milk Packed with protein and fibre, benefits of soya milk include the presence of cancer-fighting isoflavones, minimal saturated fat and the absence of galactose, which means that it can replace breast milk for galactosaemic children. It’s also safe for the lactose intolerant and anyone with a milk allergy. Because it comes from plants, there are no animal welfare issues associated with it and the growing soya plants absorb rather emit carbon – the direct opposite of dairy cows. There are some downsides though, chiefly that its sugar content can be high, particularly in the flavoured versions. Other issues include the increasing amount of land being used to farm it, which is leading to deforestation in some countries. However, its overall impact is still much less than that of cow’s milk, particularly when you choose an organic version.
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Have you ever took some time and realized the amount of toxic products that you and your family are taking every day. To many this post may sound completely crazy but have you ever researched or asked your self any of these questions?
Today I will be posting about some things that could save your life whether you take it seriously or not is up to you.. And don’t think just because you are in a different country none of these things will or could happen to you.
The first video is about Fluoride.
How Mercury Destroys the Brain – University of Calgary
Are You Being Tricked Into Having this Neurotoxin Placed Next to Your Brain?
Dr. Mercola Interviews Charlie Brown (Part 1 of 2)
Dr. Mercola Interviews Charlie Brown (Part 2 of 2)
Chemotherapy is a Waste of Money
If You Do Not Want To Be Killed By Your Government And The Big Pharma You Need To Watch This. (The Real Cancer Conspiracy)
Burzynski: Cancer Is Serious Business from BurzynskiMovie on Vimeo.
The Calcium Lie – What Your Doctor Doesn’t Know Could Kill
To See More Videos Like This Visit HealthTips202.Com
World-renowned physicist Albert Einstein once said, “Nothing will
benefit human health and increase chances of survival for life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet”.
Many people are turning vegan all over the world due to many reasons. For some it is an ethical decision involving concepts like respect to all forms of life. Former president of the US, Abraham Lincoln said, “I am in favor of animal rights as well as human rights. That is the way of a whole human being”.
For some people, going vegan is a way of conserving the environment. Some people believe that turning vegan promotes overall health and a sense of general well-being. It is more of a lifestyle choice and a philosophy than a system of diet. A vegan is a person who does not eat or use animal products. Vegans don’t have honey, eggs and dairy products. They do not use leather and wool.
Dairy products and eggs are not obtained by killing animals. However, vegans refuse to use them because they believe that animals have the freedom to exist without human interference.
Commercially raised egg-laying chickens and commercially raised cattle are slaughtered when their production declines. Living beings are treated like machines. They are fed with products to increase their productivity. Some of these products cause significant damage to their health. Some people have gone vegan as a protest against these practices.
Some experts believe that livestock farming has a huge negative impact on the environment. They are of the opinion that more resources (like land, fertilizer and water) are required to produce food through animal sources. In an endeavor to increase their yield, livestock farmers are resorting to practices that are accelerating topsoil erosion.
This is affecting the productivity of the soil, thereby impacting the agricultural yield. Many trees are cut down to create farm lands. Animal waste from massive feedlots is polluting sources of water. Many people have gone vegan in an endeavor to save the environment.
Some people turn vegan as it has many health benefits. Consumption of animal fat and animal proteins causes many health disorders in human beings. It increases the risk of developing medical conditions like arthritis, cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular problems and hypertension.
Around 60 percent of people cannot digest cow’s milk because fat and protein content of cow’s milk is very different from human milk. A study has proved that men with early stages of prostate cancer benefited significantly by modifying their diet and lifestyle.
Another study conducted in the US indicates that people who consume red meat regularly are more likely to suffer premature death. Components of vegan diet like vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole grains are rich in essential and safe nutrients. Vegan diet is low in saturated fat and rich in fiber.
Many people have turned vegan successfully. Most of them suggest that it has to be a gradual process. Famous personalities like Plato, Albert Einstein, Pythagoras, Vincent Van Gogh, George Bernard Shaw, Martin Luther, H. G. Wells, Isaac Newton, Voltaire, Leonardo da Vinci, LBenjamin Franklin, Rickey Williams, Pamela Anderson, Tony Benn, Paul McCartney, Alicia Silverstone, Greg Chappell, Mahatma Gandhi, Joaquim Phoenix and Henry Ford were vegans/vegetarians.
Whether to go vegan or not is an individual decision. The above-mentioned facts will definitely help the person to take the right decision in this regard.
Our life is the most precious gift bestowed upon us. It is our duty to do our best to prolong it. People who obey laws of nature and modify their lifestyle accordingly are more likely to live long and healthy lives.
Here are some ways to live longer.
It all begins with the right attitude. According to a study conducted at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester,Minnesota, optimists decreased their risk of early death by 50 percent compared to pessimists.
According to Dr. Howard Friedman, people low on adult conscientiousness die sooner. Dr Friedman is a psychologist at the University of California at Riverside. Conscientious people are more likely to create environments at work and home that promote good health.
Obese people usually die young. This has been proved by a study conducted in Sweden. Obesity leads to medical conditions like cancer, diabetes and heart problem. It is very important to get rid of obesity by adhering to low calorie, health diet and regular exercise.
It is a well-known fact that smoking is injurious to health. This useless habit can thwart your aspiration to be a centenarian. Smoking has killed more than two million middle aged people in 2010. It definitely makes sense to give up smoking (if you are a smoker), and to avoid second-hand smoking if you are a non-smoker.
Drink plenty of water. It is very effective in flushing toxins out of the body. It is advisable to avoid consuming simple carbohydrates as they may increase insulin levels in the body. This increases the risk of breast cancer in menopausal women.
Consuming a balanced diet is the key to good health and long life. A balanced diet contains adequate amounts of all the necessary nutrients required for healthy growth and activity.
Consume food items rich in antioxidants. These compounds prevent the cellular damage caused by the free radicals. Green tea, dark chocolate, fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants.
Fasting promotes better health. It promotes detoxification and gives rest to the digestive system. It also corrects high blood pressure. Many centenarians have fasted. It is a good idea to fast one day in a month.
People with pets live longer than people without one. According to a study conducted in 1980, survival rates of heart attack victims who had a pet were 28 percent higher than those of patients who did not have one.
A study led by Rebecca Johnson, a professor or gerontological nursing at the University of Missouri at Columbia, showed that interaction with pets reduces cortisol (stress hormone) levels in the human body. Pets also ensure that you get enough exercise.
Avoid indulgence. Anything in excess is bad; it may be food, drink or even medicine. Excessive use of medicines can cause great harm to the body. Moderation is the key to long life.
It is advisable to develop a sleep schedule. It is important to get the same amount of sleep at the same time every day. Sleep gives your body a chance to heal itself and to regenerate.
It is very important to keep your mind active. Read books that ennoble you. People who read regularly are less prone to medical conditions like Alzheimer’s. Solve puzzles. A healthy mind makes a healthy body.
Stress can cause immense harm to the body and mind. People who are stressed die young. You need to find ways to manage stress. Have close relationships. Learn to meditate and do it regularly.
Cultivate a sense of purpose. People with a sense of purpose live longer than those who do not have any. Be fearless. Always look at the brighter side of life. Keep working, irrespective of your situation. Keep smiling. Be thankful for what you have. Pray daily.
Learn to live safely with your physical environment. Avoid potentially dangerous activities like bull fighting for instance. Think for a moment before you do anything. Do not drink and drive.
By implementing the above-mentioned tips in your day-to-day existence, you are more likely to live more than hundred years.
Green tea is made from the unfermented leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant. It is rich in antioxidants known as catechins. These antioxidants protect the human body from damage caused by free radicals, thereby preventing many diseases.
Here is a brief overview of some health benefits of green tea.
Some medical experts believe that green tea prevents certain types of cancer. Many lab studies have indicated that it acts against cancer cells in cell cultures. Green tea inhibits the growth of cancer cells. This was proved by a study conducted at the University of Purdue. Test tube studies have shown substances in green tea preventing supply of blood to cancer cells.
Another study conducted in the year 1994 indicated that drinking green tea reduced the risk of esophageal cancer in Chinese men and woman by nearly 60 percent. The results of this epidemiological study were published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute in the year 1994.
Studies led by Dr. Nikolaos Alexopoulos of Athens Medical School in Greece have proved that green tea protects heart arteries by keeping them flexible and relaxed, thereby better able to withstand the ups and downs of constant changes in blood pressure.
The flavonoids in green tea protect against the formation of clots, which are the primary cause of heart attack. It promotes a healthy ration of HDL (good cholesterol) and LDL (bad cholesterol). Green tea is definitely a good addition to a heart healthy diet. It promotes a healthy cardiovascular system
Type 2 diabetes is a degenerative disease. Green tea is found to benefit patients affected by this medical condition. This beverage inhibits the enzyme amylase which secreted by the salivary glands and the pancreas for the digestion of starches.
This slows the process of conversion of starch into sugar. Less sugar is released to the blood stream. Less insulin is required to shuttle glucose because there is less sugar in the blood. This results in curbing of the insulin resistance. Green tea also relaxes the muscles of the stomach and the intestine.
As per a study conducted by research scientists, green tea could help ward off forms of dementia like the Alzheimer’s. Hydrogen peroxide and beta-amyloid play a significant role in the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Polyphenols in green tea protect the brain cells from the damage caused by these compounds.
Green tea is found to be effective in reducing weight. Polyphenols in this beverage dissolves the triglyceride deposits in the body. Epigallocatechin gallate in green tea accelerated the body metabolism, thereby burning excess fat.
The polyphenols in green tea strengthens the immune system. The EGCG in green tea reduces inflammation and damage to the joints in rheumatoid arthritis. This was proved by a study conducted at the University of Michigan.
Very few food items have more health benefits than green tea. It has been used by Chinese for more than 4,000 years. Regular consumption of green tea promotes good health and a sense of well-being.