Hi, in the video I share with you what I do to get well quicker when I am sick with a cold or flu. I am a big believer in herbal teas to help relieve symptoms, boost my immunity and speed my recovery. I share with you three products that I use that I think you will find very helpful next time you are feeling ill with a cold or flu. I believe in the healing effects of herbal teas, tinctures, liquids and capsules. Herbs have been around for centuries and many of the over-the-counter drugs and pharmaceuticals we use have not. I always take the natural approach whenever I can. Use them when you need them only so you don’t overdue it. Please SUBSCRIBE because I have lots more helpful videos to come including more herbal tip videos. Thanks so much for viewing and I always love your comments :o) To purchase a YouTips4U Custom Designed T-Shirt, please click here: cgi.ebay.com For more helpful tips, or if you have any questions, please visit www.youtips4u.blogspot.com
In 7 days your cold should probobly be better naturally anyway.
Hi, sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Gargling with salt water is great for reducing the germs and bacteria and is soothing, so your doing a great thing. I have a terrific video up on a natural remedy that I use for sore throats, coughs and colds that I think you will find helpful. Please go to my channel and type in this title of the video: My Natural Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Flu — My Special Healing Tea — It Really Works. I hope you feel better soon :o)
i have a sore troat and tried gargling salt water and that didnt work what should i do?
hey i’m sick
im very sick and this really helped me so much. Thank you. I have the h1n1 flu and so i was searching vidoes. This is the one that helped me the most. Thank you so much!
hey im sick what should i do
@kane20025 oh i feel bad for you!!!Hope you get better
@YouTips4U XD Hes probably dead by now.But anyways,really nice video,it helped my feaver,its summer ffs and i got ill.Thank you again 🙂
I dont know what I’m getting but ive been really congested and have a soar throat….
Echinacea tea cured me of my strep throat in less than 7 hours. I drank 4 cups in a row, a few hours later, pain started to go away.
Thank u so much.
I’ll try that right now. I’m sick and I feel like crap right now
I have a cold….i got sick again like..3 days after i got better from my last sickness.. :”S
My nose is blocked and i can’t breathe…
Oh, that’s terrible. I hope you feel better soon :o)
i might hav h1n1 but its not as bad and i heard if u had u cant get it again 😛
I’ll do it. Thanks for advice ^_^.
Hi, I’m so sorry to hear you are not feeling well. ‘Tis the season. Be sure to get lots of rest, drink a lot of fluids including chicken bullion broth and chicken soup, etc. because just water isn’t as good as bullion and juices, etc. You need the added nutrients, salt, and juices mixed with water as well. Keep drinking the elderberry tea three times a day if possible and be sure to put some raw honey and lemon in it. I also recommend zinc lozenges as directed on package and enchinacea.
Well. Im with a cold 🙁 and my head hurts sooo much..Im like 40c Temperature.. 🙁
I tried Kids Vitamine :p. It works.. Well i drink some elderberry tea..
Still hurtssssss… I drink antibiotics…
What do you recommend for me please?
Hi, that is fantastic! and so healthy for you. I would love to make something like that. Where do you buy your elderberries. I don’t think I’ve ever seen them around the stores where I live.
Hi, thanks so much for sharing that recipe! That’s very helpful and I’m sure others will definitely benefit. I’m a big fan of ginger. Whenever my children get upset tummies or nauseous I give them dried ginger. It really helps!
In The Uk I Make elder Rob Which Is Essentially Honey And elderberrys Fresh Crushed..I Use Local unadulterated Honey And Pick My Own Berries Once Bottled Will Last through Winter..
Hi, another very helpful natural product to heal cold and flu is ginger.
Put a tablespoon of grated fresh ginger in a cup and add hot water and a teaspoon of honey…it does really work. It’s really restoring too to have a cup of it when you come back home during winter months and you are chilled.
This recipe is from a friend of mine that lives in Japan.
Hi, you can try marshmallow tea and fenugreek tea as soon as you feel it coming on. I would recommend that you add kefir to your diet as much as possible. Please see my video called Amazing Nutritional Food/Snack Smoothie Tip to learn more about Kefir. It’s wonderful for your diet and to help prevent stomach viruses.
My grandmother used to always recommend elderberry tea when I was little. I completely forgot about it until I watched you video 🙂 I always take Echinecea capsuls as a pick me up. I think they really work great.
Do you know of any natural remedies against stomach bugs or what you can do to feel better? I suffer from them quite often and just never know what to do. No pills seem to work.
Hi, take a look at the bottle before you buy it. They usually have an expiration date. My elderberry syrup has an expiration date of 2012 on it and I bought it in January. You can also buy the elderberry extract which has grain alcohol in it. Those will last indefinitely. Go ahead and buy it anyway; I think it’s a great thing to have around no matter the season because we still get colds, etc. other times of the year too.