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starvation mode and frequent eating is bullshit
if you think you’re plateau’d sack up and work harder
All people who are overweight should be brainwashed into being skinny. They need to look in the mirror and realize their life has no value at all to anybody, other than to make fun of. Starve yourself so you dont have to be a freak of nature.
All people who are overweight should be brainwashed into being skinny. They need to look in the mirror and realize their life has no value at all to anybody, other than to make fun of. Starve yourself so you dont have to be a freak of nature.
@craigenputtock NO!!! that is starving yourself!!! People should eat around 2,000 calories a day! If you workout or are in a sport add 500 cal. to the 2,000 calorie count!
A pound of muscle does not burn 50 calories a day thats a myth, its actually about 6 still good though, a pound of fat only burns 2 calories a day.
An apple isn’t a hundred calories.. ? It’s only about 60 !
people, just eat less, you’ll lose weight. 1600 calories a day for a couple of months does wonders.
@pelopota since theyre not taking in any food or carbs for a long time they don’t get energy so it uses the fat as energy after a while … when people diet they usually eat more then they should for a meal but not as often as they should… people who have anorexia don’t eat enough nor often
if number 5 were true then why do people who have Anorexia keep gettting skinnier?
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The eat nothing white diet works – no sugar – bread ext except be sure to eat some xylitol 🙂 check my profile if you would like to know more about xylitol
The eat nothing white diet works – no sugar – bread ext except be sure to eat some xylitol 🙂 check my profile if you would like to know more about xylitol
food tastes fucking amazing when you are fit and dieting
@malerandjohn JUST AWESOME! 🙂 In my opinion, the best article is the Fastest diet on earth: Anorexia and Bulimia, it’s so educative, I’ve learned a lot thanks to your site. Keep posting new articles please! 🙂
@malerandjohn Dude! Great articles! I’ve Glad I got known this site, I lived in a cave so far 🙂
In my opinion, the best article is: 5 Things that will make you fat but nobody told it!
@malerandjohn Wow the article about how water can burn fat is really great! I have heard it that this is really true, but I didn’t know it’s actually working this good! Thanks for the advice, liked your page facebook.
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so why did you not tell us the proper proportion size?
Nice diet tip… weigh your peanut butter and chips…
Dear Sara . How many calories does a 22 years old female who is short like me needs to eat in a day ? 900?
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I lost 83lbs over the past year and I agree with the starvation part. Never go below 60% of your required calorie intake. (Including calories lost through exercise) You also have to watch your calories of course. I’d add “Eat foods that make you feel full” to this list as well 🙂