Learning to perform the Heimlich maneuver on a cat or small dog is a helpful skill for emergencies. Perform the Heimlich maneuver on a small pet with tips from aveterinarian in this free video on pet care. Expert: Dr. James Talbott Bio: Dr. James R. Talbott is a staff veterinarian at Belle Forest Animal Hospital and Kennel in Nashville, Tenn. Filmmaker: Dimitri LaBarge
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Expressing a cat’s anal glands reduces the possibility of infection. Express a cat’s anal glands with tips from aveterinarian in this free video on pet care. Expert: Dr. James Talbott Bio: Dr. James R. Talbott is a staff veterinarian at Belle Forest Animal Hospital and Kennel in Nashville, Tenn. Filmmaker: Dimitri LaBarge